Mass Casualty Simulations

Mass Casualty Simulations Training

The phrase “Prior planning and training prevents poor performance” can be readily associated with mass casualty events. Geographic locations, areas of dense population, major transportation routes, and unique hazards provide the potential for incidents to occur which could results in significant number of casualties that can quickly overwhelm available resources in any community.

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Evolution of Active Shooter Response Training

Columbine High School Shooting Was a Catalyst for Change The 20 April 1999 Columbine High School shooting was the catalyst that sparked a revolution in the way law enforcement prepares for and responds to active [...]

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Emergency Response Simulations (ERSims) uses the latest technology to develop high-fidelity, cost-effective training and simulation software products and components for emergency response agencies.

We focus on the needs of First Responders, which helps us develop applications and training tools for specific uses, leveraging our experience in scenario development, while utilizing the same tools used by the military, to help us forge close customer relationships.

ERSim’s platform enables users to create, simulate and visualize realistic multi-faceted, incident response training scenarios, to help enhance emergency response readiness.